Ronaldo Salary Per Month In Indian Rupees. First world are basically developed countries and third world are developing countries. As you know the world is divided into three categories, first world, second world and third world.
Our live USD to INR converter will enable you to convert your amount from Dollar to Rupee and vice versa (Rupee to Indian Rupee-INR. The salary of the Chief Ministers vary from state to state. Cristiano Ronaldo made the switch to Juventus from Real Madrid in the summer but how much are they paying him?
Every year, lakhs of people take the UPSC Civil.
Marine engineering describes the type of engineering work done on ships and rigs.
The above-given details are only based on collected information from various sources. Find out how much he earns per second and how long it would take to buy some crazy luxuries! Before we talk about the average salary in India we should look how rest of the world is doing.